
Craig talks us through his top tips for this month.
  1. Insulate outdoor pots and Containers. Not all plants are hardy, so be sure to care for them accordingly. Make sure to keep an eye on any protection as the wind may misplace protection.
  2. Reduce house plant watering. Your house plants won't be need as much attention as the cooler air comes in. Though be careful! If you have the heating on this can be very drying to the air, so keep an eye on things!
  3. Insulate outdoor taps. January is one of our colder months and big freezes can set in.
  4. Order seed potatoes, onions and garlic bulbs for planting in spring!
  5. Prune apple and pear trees to remove any dead and damaged branches.
  6. Feed the birds! There are still many birds about this time of year and it's important that they keep their energy up. 
  7. Check overwintering plants regularly pests and disease. Take action where necessary.